
Fooey’s Culture Blog

Welcome to my Culture Blog, a blog that’ll focus on my love for ancient and royal history, temples, the showcasing of my Chinese culture & my Buddhist religion and my other interests that I otherwise can’t talk about on my first blog, my political blog.

From temples to the Buddhist religion (and even the Hindu religion), I seek to not only talk about them in this blog, but to also hopefully tell their stories and to also represent my non-political side as well.


Hi, I’m Marcus Foo a 22 year old homosexual Kiwi-born turned Australian writer & blogger with a fond for my Chinese/Buddhist culture, and a keen interest in temples, opera (particularly Peking, Guangdon & Kunqu opera), ancient & royal history as well other topics that’ll be discussed & talked about in this blog.


Email: marcuskx@windowslive.com

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